Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday = Sickness?????

For those who have visited my blog before....don't ask...

Funny how God has given dad a little taste of how things can be when you don't have the choice of being the fun parent for the day....
Usually when I work Saturday's I am a little envious b/c dad and the kids always do fun stuff. Well I worked last Saturday and when I got home Tim said Jake's been throwing up all morning and now Paul says his stomach hurts....He soon began too, but from the other end. Not such a fun day. I worked again this Saturday and on Friday Paul was dx with the hand, foot, mouth virus and when I came home today from work....Jake was running a 101 fever. Did this stop dad from trying to do fun things with the kids instead of being stuck in the house with 2 sick kids......NO......he decided to expose a room of 20 kids at Lowe's and tried to talk me into taking them to our class social...What was he thinking???? He kept saying "ahhh they're fine".

When I thought it was going to be a nightmare being home with 2 sick boys...well we went and rented movies and dad is with Jules "outside" at the class social and on my way home from the movie store it was reading 100 degrees on my car! Kinda glad we got to stay home.

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

Poor things. I hope you and Tim don't get the stuff.
And Julie, too.
It's good for dads to experience the full extent of parenting sometimes. Toughens em' up!